Rajasthan University BA 1st Year English Literature Books PDF

Rajasthan University BA 1st Year English Literature Books PDF

Rajasthan University BA 1st Year English Literature Books PDF – इस पेज पर राजस्थान यूनिवर्सिटी (University of Rajasthan) के छात्रों के लिए बीए फर्स्ट इयर इंग्लिश लिटरेचर (अंग्रेजी साहित्य) की बुक्स दी गयी हैं |

❤️ यह बुक्स “शशि जी” के रिक्वेस्ट पर प्रोवाइड की जा रही हैं | ❤️

इस पेज पर अभी काम चल रहा है, जल्द ही सभी बुक्स अवेलेबल हो जाएँगी | तब तक आप इस पेज पर बुक्स सर्च कर सकते हैंhttps://ubcn.in/books/search/

Rajasthan University BA 1st Year English Literature Books Download

राजस्थान यूनिवर्सिटी बीए फर्स्ट इयर में इंग्लिश लिटरेचर के दो पेपर हैं –

  • Paper 1 – Poetry and Drama
  • Paper 2 – Prose and Fiction

इन पेपर्स में भी अलग-अलग सेक्शन और टॉपिक दिए गये हैं | इस पेज उन सभी टॉपिक्स के लिए स्टडी मटेरियल प्रोवाइड कराया गया है |

Paper 1 – Poetry and Drama

💖 इस सेक्शन में फर्स्ट पेपर पोएट्री एंड ड्रामा (कविता और नाटक) के लिए स्टडी मटेरियल दिया गया है | 💖

फर्स्ट पेपर के लिए महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न-उत्तर डाउनलोड करने के लिए नीचे दिए गये पर क्लिक करें |

📂First Paper Important Question Answers – Click here to download

पहले पेपर में दो सेक्शन हैं, “Poetry” और “Drama” | इन दोनों सेक्शन के लिए स्टडी मटेरियल नीचे दिया गया है –

🟥Section – A (Poetry)

🌹William Shakespeare  – Shall I Compare Thee🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

📋Poem & Analysis – Click here to download

🎥Vidoes Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹William Shakespeare – Not Marble, nor the Gilded Monuments🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

📋Summary, Explanation & Question Answers – Click here to download

📒Hindi Translation & Question Answers – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹William Shakespeare – Remembrance🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹John Donne – Death be not Proud🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

📋Summary & Explanation – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹Herbert – Pulley🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

📋Poem & Question Answers – Click here to download

📒Question Answers – Click here to download

📕Poem Summary – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹Andrew Marvell – To His Coy Mistress🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

📋Summary, Explanation & Notes – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹John Milton – ON His Blindness🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

📋Summary & Explanation – Click here to download

📒Explanation & Notes – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹John Milton – On His Twenty-Third Birthday🌹

📄Poem & Summary – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹John Dryden – A Song for St. Cecilla’s Day🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

📋Poem on Wikipedia – Click here to read

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch

🟥Section – B (Poetry)

🌹Kabir – It is Needless to Ask a Saint the Caste to which he belongs🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹Rabindra Nath Tagore – Where The Mind is Without Fear🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

📋Central Idea & Explanation – Click here to download

📒Summary & Explanation – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹Toru Dutt – The Lotus🌹

📄Poem – Click here to download

📋Summary & Explanation – Click here to download

📒Poem Analysis – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹Toru Dutt – Our Casuarina Tree🌹

📄Poem & Explanation – Click here to download

📋Poem Summary – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹Sarojini Naidu – Indian Weavers🌹

📄Poem & Notes – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🌹Sarojini Naidu – Song of Radha, The Milkmaid🌹

📄Poem Summary – Click here to download

📋Poem Explanation – Click here to read

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


🟥Section – C (Drama)

William Shakespeare – As You Like It

📙Complete Drama – Click here to download

📑Drama Analysis & Details – Click here to download

📃Characters’ Details – Click here to download

📗Complete Study Material (Book) – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch

⚠️ अगर आपको कोई फाइल डाउनलोड करने में किसी प्रकार की समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |

Paper 2 – Prose and Fiction

💖 इस सेक्शन में सेकंड पेपर प्रोज एंड फिक्शन (गद्य और उपन्यास) के लिए स्टडी मटेरियल दिया गया है | 💖

Section – A (Prose)

Bacon – Of Studies

📑Complete Text – Click here to download

📗Summary – Click here to download

📃Explanation – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


Bertrand Russell – Knowledge and Wisdom

📑Complete Text – Click here to download

📗Summary – Click here to read

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


Leigh Hunt – On Getting Up on Cold Mornings

📑Complete Text – Click here to download

📗Summary & Analysis – Click here to download (Page 12)

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


M.K Gandhi – Fearlessness

📑Complete Text – Click here to read

📗Short Notes – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


Lucas – Third Thought

📑Complete Text – Click here to read

📗Summary – Click here to read

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


S. Radhakrishnan – Democracy

📑Complete Book – Click here to download

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


Hilaire Belloc – On Educational Reform

📑Complete Text – Click here to read

🎥Video Lectures – Click here to watch


Section – B (Fiction)

Katherine Mansfield – A Cup of Tea

Rabindranath Tagore – Living or Dead

Hector Hugh Munro (Saki) – The Open Window

RK Narayan – An Astrologer’s Day

Ernest Hemingway – Old Man at the Bridge

George Orwell – Animal Farm

Section – C

Prose Appreciation

Formal Communication

Report Writing

Presentations Skills

⚠️ अगर आपको कोई फाइल डाउनलोड करने में किसी प्रकार की समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |

✅ सभी विषयों का स्टडी मटेरियल डाउनलोड करने के लिए – यहाँ क्लिक करें

✅ सभी विषयों का क्वेश्चन पेपर डाउनलोड करने के लिए – यहाँ क्लिक करें

✅ सभी विषयों का सिलेबस डाउनलोड करने के लिए – यहाँ क्लिक करें
