MGSU MA Previous English Literature Books PDF

MGSU MA Previous English Literature Books PDF

MGSU MA Previous English Literature Books PDF – इस पेज पर Maharaja Ganga Singh University (MGSU) के छात्रों के लिए MA Previous (First Year) English Literature Study Materials (Notes & Books) दिया गया है |

यह बुक्स “मोहित जी” के रिक्वेस्ट पर प्रोवाइड की जा रही हैं |

MGSU MA 1st Year English Literature Books PDF

इस सेक्शन में एम.ए फर्स्ट इयर के सभी पेपर्स के लिए इंग्लिश लिटरेचर का नोट्स दिया गया है | डाउनलोड लिंक नीचे दिए गये हैं |

Paper 1 – English Language and Documentation


Paper 2 – Renaissance to Jacobean Age

Unit – I

Chaucer: Prologue to Canterbury Tales

John Donne: Canonization, Extasie, ‘O’ My Black Soul

Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, The Sunne Rising, The Flea, The Relique

Unit – II (Drama – I)

John Webster: The Duchess of Malfi Ben

Jonson: The Alchemist

Unit – III (Drama – II)

Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus

Shakespeare: King Lear, The Tempest

Unit – IV

Bacon’s Essays:

  1. Of Truth
  2. Of Marriage and Single Life
  3. Or Revenge
  4. Of Love
  5. Of Death
  6. Of Adversity
  7. Of Simulation and Dissimulation
  8. Of Parents and Children
  9. Of Unity in Religion
  10. Of Friendship
  11. Of Anger

Unit – V

Desiderius Erasmus: The Praise of Folly (Or in Praise of Folly)

Social and Cultural History (Renaissance to Jacobean Age)

Paper 3 – Caroline to Neo-Classical Age

Unit – I

John Milton: Paradise Lost Book I, II

Alexander Pope: Rape of the Lock

Unit – II

John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel

Thomas Gray:

  1. The Progress of Poesy
  2. Ode on a Distant
  3. Prospect of Ton College
  4. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
  5. The Bard

William Collins:

  1. Ode to Evening
  2. Ode to Simplicity

William Blake:

  1. The Lamb
  2. The Little Black Boy
  3. The Echoing Green

Unit – III

Sheridan: The Rivals

Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer

Swift: The Battle of Books

Unit – IV

Defoe: Moll Flanders

Sterne: Tristram Shandy

Unit – V

Samuel Johnson: Preface to Shakespeare Social and Cultural History and Movements of the Age

Paper 4 – The Romantic Age

Unit – I

William Wordsworth:

  1. Tintern Abbey
  2. Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood

ST Coleridge

  1. Kubla Khan
  2. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Unit – II

John Keats:

  1. Ode on a Grecian Urn
  2. Ode to Autumn
  3. Ode to a Nightingale
  4. Ode to Psyche

PB Shelley:

  1. Adonais
  2. Ode to the West Wind
  3. To Skylark

Unit – III

William Hazlitt:

  1. On Going a Journey
  2. The Indian Jugglers

Charles Lamb:

  1. Imperfect Sympathies
  2. Dream Children
  3. Chimney Sweepers

Unit – IV

Jane Austin: Pride and Prejudice Mary

Shelley: Frankenstein

Unit – V

William Wordsworth: Preface to Lyrical Ballads

ST Coleridge: Biographia Literaria Chapters 14 & 17

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